China’s Challenges – Some Reflections on Dean Kishore Mahbubani

I had the real pleasure earlier in the week to participate in an excellent show on China on TVO’s The Agenda. For those not familiar with TVO or its premier public affairs show – The Agenda with Steve Paikin TVO is Ontario’s public broadcaster. It has an education mandate and among its most successful programs is The Agenda (truth reveled Steve Paikin – the well known broadcaster and TV personality and the broadcaster for the The Agenda is my neighbor – not his fault). One of The Agenda’s principal producer’s Daniel Kitts put together a most interesting program entitled, “China’s Challenges”. Centred on Kishore Muhbubani’s new book, “The New Asia Hemisphere: The Irresistable Shift of Global Power to the East,” Steve first spent part of the show one-on-one with Muruhbubani, the Dean of Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore and then expanded it to include: Elizabeth Economy C.V. Starr senior fellow and director for Asian Studies at Continue reading