Looking for a Purpose – The Search in Deauville

Well my colleagues David Bosco from Foreign Policy at the Multilateralist and Stewart Patrick from the new Internationalist at Council of Foreign Relations – have suddenly discovered that the G8 is upon us.Stewart has decided that notwithstanding its “declared death” in 2009 – lo it is still here.  He ends his post this way:  “But the Deauville agenda suggests there is life in the ole G8 yet.”

Well I beg to differ as the title would suggest.  The French have just released for the Summit – nothing like being here may I add – and it is gorgeous here in Deauville – the  priorities for this G8 Summit.  The old priorities were:  Innovation and Green Technology, African Development and Peace and Security including Afghanistan and other crisis points.  In the most recent release  the identified top 3 priorities are the Arab Spring, the progress of democracy in Africa and the Internet.

Furthermore  – and for good measure – the French hosts have declared that the Summit will start with an expression of solidarity for Japan and the leaders will draw lessons from the disaster at Fukushima – the debate over nuclear safety. Finally, the Leaders will discuss the global economic situation and the major political issues.

Obviously there is great flux in international relations and the French are trying to respond to a moving target.  But if the Priorities can be altered like this the question is did the French and the G8 have significant matters in their “gun sites” earlier.

This feels like a Summit looking for a reason.